While we strive for growth, it is very important for us to act responsibly in all aspects touched by our business. We recognize that we bear a great deal of responsibility in relation to the social, economic, and climatic challenges we face today – but we also see a great opportunity to positively influence these challenges. It is one of our highest priorities that our work with sustainability is rooted in our company at all levels and it is a core value for us that there is transparency and responsibility in the way we do business
As basis, we comply with national regulations. We are also fully aware of our responsibilities to sustainable social, environmental, and economic development. We will continuously identify, prevent, or mitigate the potential adverse impacts on internationally agreed principles for sustainable development; human rights, including labor rights, the environment and anti-corruption, that we may cause or contribute to. When actual impacts occur, we will provide for access to remedy. We make our commitment to the principles referenced in UN Global Compact operational by applying the global standard from the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises (OECD); and we will account for our actions.
We expect our employees to act in compliance with this commitment. Employees shall act to prevent or mitigate and raise concerns with their management if they identify potential or actual adverse impacts involving our services or our business relationships.
We will also seek to prevent or mitigate adverse impacts that may be directly linked to our operations or services by our business relationships. We will do this by raising the expectation that they commit to identifying, preventing and mitigation adverse impacts on human rights, the environment and anti-corruption that they might cause or contribute to, and we expect of our business relationships that they address such adverse impacts, should they arise. Should adverse impacts occur in our value chain, we will use or build our leverage to make the business in question cease the impacts and demonstrate respect for human rights, environmental and anti-corruption principles.
Our commitment is publicly available and we will continuously communicate it internally and externally. Every two years we will revisit the commitment and ensure that it is continuously embedded in all our policies and processes.
As a member of the UN Global Compact we are required to produce an annual COP that details our work to embed the Ten Principles into our strategies and operations, as well as efforts to support societal priorities. The COP is a visible expression of our commitment to sustainability. You can find our latest reports here:
We would love to hear what on your mind!
At Pluto Group, we take our social responsibility seriously, and we constantly strive to improve when it comes to sustainability.
We want to respect your and others’ rights, protect the environment and run a fair business without corruption.
If you have experienced or seen something that you think we should know, e.g. discrimination or harassment or regarding to the quality of the food we serve? Or do you have any ideas on how to improve in other areas of sustainability, e.g. in relation to food waste and packaging? Then we would love to hear from you.
We take all inquiries seriously and will respond within 7 days.
Send us an email at: [email protected] with the subject: FEEDBACK
In order to handle your inquiry the best way possible, we would love to start a dialogue with you, and therefore your inquiry is not anonymous, but it is confidential. Your information will only be shared with persons who are directly involved in the handling of the inquiry unless we get your consent to involve others.